Indikation: Chirurgische Behandlung der Belastungsharninkontinenz der Frau aufgrund vonstress urinary incontinence resulting from
nach Versagen konservativer Behandlungsmethoden.
TVA- und TOA-Sling sind midurethral verstellbare Sling-Implantate für die chirurgische Behandlung der weiblichen Stressharninkontinenz.
[1] Romero-Maroto et al. (2017)
Is the adjustable TVA mesh effective for the long-term treatment of female stress incontinence?
[2] Ko et al. (2012)
Proper mesh placement using the outer cylinder of a ballpoint pen in the transobturator adjustable tape sling procedure for female stress urinary incontinence.
[3] Patrelli et al. (2015)
Female stress urinary incontinence: Clinical efficacy and satisfaction after transobturator adjustable tape sling. An observational longitudinal cohort study.
[4] Romero Maroto et al. (2009)
Transobturator adjustable tape (TOA) permits to correct post-operatively the tension applied in stress incontinence surgery.
[5] Romero Maroto et al. (2008)
Transvaginal adjustable tape: an adjustable mesh for surgical treatment of female stress urinary incontinence.
[6] Zacharakis et al. (2016)
Occult Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women With Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Is the One Step Surgical Approach a Risky Choice?
[7] Youn et al. (2010)
Comparison of TOA and TOT for treating female stress urinary incontinence: Short-term outcomes.
Die Position der Schlinge kann postoperativ mit Hilfe der Einstellnähte angepasst werden. Die Verstellbarkeit ermöglicht die Korrektur von: