As a leading-edge technology company, from the Alps of Austria, we develop and manufacture high-quality medical products for surgeons and hospitals around the world. Through innovative surgical techniques in the fields of Coloproctology, Urology and Urogynecology, our products offer less pain and discomfort as well as higher safety for patients. To assure the highest standards, our team collaborates with internationally recognized experts and surgeons. In this way, we will continue significant progress in innovative surgery.
We Innovate. We Empower. We Help.
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Language: German
February 21 (Friday) - 22 (Saturday)(GMT+01:00)
University Medical Center Freiburg
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Language: German
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February 27 (Thursday) - 28 (Friday)(GMT+01:00)
Ebertplatz 12, 77654 Offenburg, Germany
Urogynecology: TVA/TOA
A.M.I.’s incontinence slings offer the possibility of improving the surgical result, even a few days after the operation. The sling can be both tightened as well as slightly loosened. This post-operative adjustability is unique and represents an incalculable advantage for the patient, particularly in more difficult cases.
Dr. Achim Niesel
Head of Gynaecology
Klinik Preetz, Germany
Urology: ATOMS
In January 2009 I had surgery for total removal of my prostate. The result of that was severe urinary incontinence with a complete loss of quality of life: sporting, cultural and many other everyday activities were only possible with extreme limitations.
Conservative treatment methods, such as pelvic floor training and several months of electrostimulation, were unsuccessful. In March 2010, I was saved from this seemingly hopeless situation by my doctor, who implanted an ATOMS System for me. With it, I regained my previous quality of life. Now I can do everything that had previously been important to me: cross-country skiing, hiking, playing tennis, travelling, going to the theatre and opera, visiting museums etc. etc. Thanks to my doctor and ATOMS, life is worth living again.
L. Röhrer
In my experience, ATOMS is an ideal solution for men with all grades of stress incontinence due to its broad indication spectrum (even irradiated patients) and excellent long-term results.
Dr. Volker Moll
uro aktiv/Stadtklinik im Diako
Augsburg, Germany
Coloproctology: Soft Anal Band
I was introduced to the Anal Band in the summer of 2004 and learned to love it. With its help, I have found quality of life again. It gives me assurance in all situations e.g. at work, doing sport, travelling or out with friends. I wouldn’t want to be without it.
S. Klein
Coloproctology: HAL-RAR
HAL and RAR are effective methods for treatment of haemorrhoids. We published a study, in which consistently high-grade patients (Grades 3 and 4) were treated and showed very good long-term results. In particular the patient satisfaction is very high. We are pleased that this innovative method was developed and produced in Austria.
Dr. Ulrike Satzinger
Department of Surgery
St. Josef Krankenhaus Vienna, Austria
Exactly one year ago I received an ATOMS implant and it’s still working like it did on the first day. I can do sport and go hiking again, and I feel very comfortable generally. I hope it continues to function like this for a long time to come!
J. Kostrouch
Urogynecology: i-Stitch
With the i-Stitch, A.M.I. has made a valuable contribution to the progress of minimal- invasiveness in urogynaecology. The instrument allows the more gentle and quicker placement of fixation sutures during prolapse surgery, with or without the use of mesh.
Dr. Ayman Tammaa
Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Semmelweis Frauenklinik der Krankenanstalt
Rudolfstiftung Vienna, Austria
In December 2003 I underwent a radical prostatectomy. In January 2005 I received an implant, which constantly caused inflammation. Because of this, I had to have it removed again completely.
My last hope was my doctor, who carried out an ATOMS implantation for me on December 1, 2012 and achieved a small miracle. Since then my life is worth living again, because I can participate in everyday life with no more problems whatsoever.
F. Pauschewein
Urogynecology: inGYNious
The single-incision technique used with the InGYNious meshes is a huge step forward. Our patients are very satisfied and our study data shows remarkably good results.
Dr. Emanuela Mistrangelo
Casa di Cura Sant’Anna S.r.l.
Casale Monferrato, Italy
After undergoing a radical prostatectomy I was incontinent and needed between 15 and 20 pads per day. After 2 years I was still using 5-6 pads per day and a further reduction was simply not possible.
Just under 4 years ago my doctor implanted an ATOMS System for me and I was completely dry immediately after surgery. This day changed my life. I wouldn’t want to be without the ATOMS System anymore, because in my opinion it’s the only system on the market that really makes sense.
H. Gottwald
Coloproctology: HAL-RAR
When I saw the HAL method for the first time more than 10 years ago, I was immediately convinced of the logic of the operation. Since then I have not found any procedure that treats haemorrhoids in more sensible manner. We have patients, who were treated over a decade ago and still thank us today for the good treatment.
Dr. Matthias Scheyer
Former Head of Surgery
Landeskrankenhaus Bludenz, Austria
Urogynaecology: HexaPro Mesh, BSC Mesh, InGYNious, CR-Mesh
The iso-elastic HexaPro mesh is a very good basis for reconstructive pelvic floor surgery, as it has very little impact on the natural tissue elasticity of the vagina but still provides firm support. The very low density reduces the foreign body reaction and therefore the number of adverse events.
Dr. Christian Fünfgeld
Head of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Klinik Tettnang, Germany
Coloproctology: Soft Anal Band
The artificial sphincter offers an effective solution for patients with no chance of having faecal continence restored. My experience with the system from A.M.I. shows a low erosion rate and a comparatively small number of explantations, which are presumably due to the circular shape and softness of the cuff.
Prof. Ulrich Baumgartner
Head of General and Visceral Surgery
Krankenhaus Emmendingen, Germany